學居禮夫人Kip Cullers barely made it through high school — his words — and never took biology or chemistry. But 土地買賣he's arguably the globe's leading authority on soybean genetics and the precise brew of fertilizer, 居酒屋fungicide, weed killer, water — and yes, a pinch of sugar — required to grow a knockout crop.That makes Cullers 酒店經紀a bona fide celebrity soybean farmer, who already holds multiple world records for soybean production and is going 信用貸款for the gold again this year. Last fall, he set a new bar by producing 160.6 bushels per acre — nearly four times 澎湖民宿the national average. Perhaps even more telling is that Cullers yields 100 bushels per acre on the 300 commercial 酒店工作acres that he doesn't baby and brood over as he does with his experimental plots. (See photos of urban farming 買屋around the world.)"I never learn from my success — I learn from my failures," says the lanky, 關鍵字廣告good-natured Cullers as he steers his ginormous Chevy Silverado 2500 pickup over the ruts and dirt roads of 辦公室出租sprawling southwest Missouri. The soybeans are just one part of his spread. He also farms some 10,000 acres of 找房子corn and runs a poultry operation.

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