奴僕的心與兒子的心比較 羅馬人書8:12-17; Romans 8:12-17弟兄們,這樣看來,我們並不是欠肉體的債去順從肉體活著。 你們若順從肉體活著,必要死;若靠著聖靈治死身體的惡行,必要活著。 因為凡被神的靈引導的,都是神的兒子。 你們所受的,不是奴僕的心,仍舊害怕;所受的,乃是兒子的心,因此我們呼叫:阿爸!父! 聖靈與我們的心同證我們是神的兒女; 既是兒女,便是後嗣,就是神的後嗣,和基督同作後嗣。如果我們和他一同受苦,也必和他一同得榮耀。 酒店兼職 羅馬人書8:12-17***********************************************************************************************So then, my brothers, we are in debt, not to the flesh to be living in the way of the flesh: For if you go in the way of the flesh, death will come on you; but if by the Spirit you put to death the works of the body, you will have 租辦公室life. And all those who are guided by the Spirit of God are sons of God. For you did not get the spirit of servants again to put you in fear, but the spirit of sons was given to you, by which we say, Abba, Father. The Spirit is witness with our spirit that we are children of God: And if we are children, we have a right to a part in the heritage; a part in the things of God, together with Christ; so that if we have a part in his pain, 辦公室出租we will in the same way have a part in his glory. 買屋                                                                          &nbs租辦公室p;                                                 Romans 8:12-17

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